Wednesday, March 17, 2010

There's always a first time for everything =)

I have three favorite Mexican restaurants--Taco Bell, Dos Coyotes, and Chipotle, all located in Roseville. I have a specific menu for each restaurant containing what i get every SINGLE time. 
Taco Bell: Chalupa Supreme, Beef, no tomatoes and light on the sour cream. Sometimes i will get more than one...I remember one time I went to Taco Bell with someone and I got 4 CHALUPAS!!! That's ridiculous i think. 
Dos Coyotes: Dos Coyotes has a special place in my heart....only for their food though. The cooks there really know their stuff and how to make the food perfect and delicious! I compare every other restaurant to Dos Coyotes when it comes to a "Caesar Salad". I have yet to find a restaurant that matches or exceeds the quality of this salad. It is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Warning: This particular selection is not for the faint hearted or any dieters. It will serve maybe....3 people, and if your eating by yourself, it will last you a pretty long while. I remember while i was working at Dos Coyotes, these 3 women coming in. First off, your walking into a Mexican restaurant. That means, A LOT of calories!! No matter what you get! All three of these women got salads. I chuckled to myself because i could tell they thought they were doing well at picking a "healthy" choice. That is probably the MoSt fattening item on the menu. :) I took out their food to them and they all stared at me in awe. They had the look of..."Um, waiter? I think you have the wrong order...We ordered the SALADS!" hahaha But alas, they all loved it and i don't blame them. It is BOMB. 
Chipotle: One thing about me...I hate trying new foods. or rather, anything new. I'm not for change. When i went to Chipotle for the first time, I saw nothing that sparked my interest. I went with a very safe choice. A Quesidilla with extra cheese. I don't know what it is about their cheese? But its incredible...and it has me addicted. I've gotten the Quesidilla every time since then. TILL NOW!!! epic right? I went yesterday to Chipotle with my sister, Erin and Chris. Whenever i went to Chipotle with Lauren or anyone else, they always got burritos and cool looking stuff. So i thought to myself, what the heck. I'm going to branch out and try a BURRITO! It wasn't really the BEST i've ever had? But it wasn't Awful either. Check out these photos! :)
Chris :) I think he'd kill me if he saw this was on the InTeRnEt!! whoops :-P
Erin and I with our Burritos!! 
My very first burrito!!! :D 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Let's recap this week shall we? For MY sake. I won't remember what happened this week if i don't write about it now. A lot of fun, interesting events happened......Let's rewind! "Take it back now ya'll.."
March 7th, 2010 (Sunday):
Skylar Wilkes Photoshoot! This girl might be one of the cutest, funniest girls I've met. She has so many one liners!!! One of which being, "This is my culture!!!!" She's about 12ish? Not exactly sure what age she is, but she is awesome! Here are some of the out of the hundreds (861 to be specific) i took that day. :) Enjoy!

She was so fun to work with! If ANYONE wants a photo shoot, please let me know! Text me, call me, e-mail me...I'd love to shoot you! In a good way :) Not the bang bang shotgun type of shooting, but the click click "you look amazing in this picture!!!" type of shooting. :) That took up pretty much my WHOLE Sunday! 

Monday, was pretty much like every other Monday. Have you ever heard the song Rainy days and Mondays by the Carpenters? GOOD SONG! I just recently got called to the position in my church to be the "mom" of the activities (FHE-family home evening). That means, i'm in charge with a "Dad" to plan activities for the singles of our ward every monday. yipee!! :) I have a cool dad though. Chreston Allen would be his name. Yia Yia! This monday, the 8th, wasn't really planned though. It was the first one, so anyone could pick where they wanted to go. Oh, there is another pair that is in charge of the same FHE but at a different location. Lauren Davis and Adam Collete. I went with Lauren and Kyle to the Salazar's dwelling for Fhe. SO FUN! There was a brief lesson given by Thomas Pfingston, and then we all played this game....I don't really remember what it's called but everyone gets a sheet of paper and they write down a What If question. Ha What if is the name of the game. :) And you pass around your paper and you get a random question from someone else, and you write down an answer to it. then someone gathers them up and passes them out and you read them. its really funny!! We played for a long time! So that was my Monday. =)

Tuesday...I uh...don't actually remember what i did on tuesday. Oh wait, I had my marriage prep class and then played some fooseball with Clint Willis, and WONNNNNN!!! BooYaa take THAT Clint! :) Chris took Erin and I out to lunch at the Taco Bell. :D That IS my favorite restaurant. American Idol was on that night, i remember because i skipped class. Haha shhh

Wednesday, and Thursday were such a blur i can't even remember what i did other than going to classes. Oh yeah i remember one thing. I fell asleep in my math class! That never happens!! I'm always afraid the teacher will throw something at me to wake me up and then everyone laughs at me. Something cool happened on Wednesday night though. My Deaf History and Culture class is on that night, not to mention its 3 hours long!! But I found out a lot about myself! Did you know that the number one cause of Deafness in children is from ear infections?? I had never put these two words together before this night: Can't hear and being Deaf. Its like peanut butter and jelly! Also like, Amber and Blonde!! ;) My teacher was explaining this concept of ear infections, and i remembered a story i've heard many times from my parents...but it all fit together and made sense when a guy from my class basically told a story just like mine! He told Lisalee (teacher) that he was born early and he had ear infections for a while but then got tubes put in his ears and after a little bit he could hear! "was i Deaf that whole time?" She signed YES! You were Deaf!! My story is just like that, basically! What happened to me is...I was born three weeks late and had ear infections for a year and a half till my parents had tubes put in my ears, and when they brought me home, i looked at the t.v. and started pounding on the screen. My eyes were huge because i could finally hear the sound!! I asked my teacher if that meant I was Deaf too and she said YUP! Its so interesting to me how everything in my life has involved my hearing SO much! Viola, symphonies, choir, singing, everything! I love music SO much! But at the same time, i feel so lucky to have been Deaf! I know i would have loved being Deaf if i never got those tubes put in, but its mind boggling to think how different my life would be. Anyway, that was my interesting fact of Wednesday night. 

FRIDAY! Friday was the WORST. You know what i hate going to more? Well, it's a tie kind of....the dentist or the doctor. The dentist sucks cause i always have cavities, aka getting shots in my mouth. I'm not sure why i always have cavities? But they always magically appear when he comes in to look at my teeth. thank you! Doctors are lame too many things! How many of you are like me and hate to get on the scale to show how much you weigh? ESPECIALLY if its in front of a freakin hott male nurse? (female nurses for all you men out there) I just about die every time he looks at the scale and widens his eyes a bit more than they were before, and writes the weight down all flustered. I shrink down a few sizes and follow him sheepishly to the room he assigns me to and wait for the doctor to come in and torture me some more. I love the line in "Juno" when she says, what does the even MEAN!!? She is referring to when people ask her, "are you sexually active?" I also loathe that question. I was about to say that when the doctor asked me. Haha This picture is my attitude towards going to the doctor. 
Later on Friday evening, was the DaNcE!!!! I LOVE dancing! The singles dances are so much fun...I don't know why really. But something about them makes them awesome! 
All ready for the dance! :)

Alright, Saturday!! I regret to say that i didn't make it in time for the snow trip the singles ward planned out. How could I? They left at 8:30 AM!!! That would be a But I did get the honor of going on a very cool date with a very cool guy. He took me to a really amazing of my favorites, The Old Spaghetti Factory! I got the one and only, Mizithra Cheese. You have to understand this concept. Mizithra Cheese is to DIE for and whenever someone from the family gets it, and brings it home? Oh its on. We risk getting hurt to have our hands on that food. If you knew how good it was, you'd be doing the same thing. So when I got it, I warned Chris, my date, that when he dropped me off at home, Erin and my Mom would be chasing me around the house for it. And what happened? Erin and Mom were bugging me all night for just one bite!! ;) Chris took me to see the Broadway musical Chicago in Sacramento. Awesome play! A little scandalous, but the talent these actors and singers and dancers have is remarkable! I was in awe of how well they did the show. Here are some pictures I took of the night...

Well, another week to come and hopefully I'll report as well or better than i did tonight! I hope you enjoyed this, supposing you read all of this. :) Have a wonderful night everyone!!

Successes for 3/15/10:
  1. APPLIED AT TARGET!! Do you hate online applications as much as i do??! It takes like all day! That is definitely a success for me. =) 
  2. Conducted FHE tonight at Jon Pinney's house. Fun times!! Mafia is an awesome game :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Orange Thursday

Its apparent what happens on Orange Thursday...i'm hoping. You Wear Orange..on Thursday! I met someone when I went to SNOW COLLEGE who invented this. He said, you wear orange on Thursday because Thursday is a very awkward day, and orange is a very awkward color. Hence, Orange Thursday. I wear orange every Thursday now because I like it. =) This VERY awkward. But I wanted it on the record that i DID wear orange today. Thanks Ryan :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Check out these pictures!!! I did it! 



Epic moment!!!!!!! 

I'm very proud of myself! :) I also, if you wanted to know, color coded my clothes. They are hung up in the order of the colors. Kinda geeky, but i like it! Off to rehearsal now. Yay

My happy place

I've found the place i feel most relaxed...The Rocklin Institute Parking lot. There are benches and picnic areas and pretty trees all around. I took a cool picture with my phone today, even though its kinda blurry. You can still get a pretty good idea of how lovely it was today. =)

I'm now starting on my room!! Lets see if i can finish one part of my room i've sectioned off. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"The simplest way to put it? I have problems." --What About Bob 
I have many things i can't keep up on. And to continue doing those things is almost impossible for me. One area in particular: I can't keep my stinkin room clean!! Not even for a day! I think the longest I've seen my floor without clothes/towels/blankets/random papers/camera stuff on it, has been a few hours maybe? MAYBE. I've started and failed to CLEAN my room countless times. Its a real blessing to be such a distracted person, i think. I love starting something and not finishing it because i found something else more interesting!! (this is sarcasm). Tomorrow, March 4th, 2010 i'm going to clean my room. I don't care that i have class till 2 and a rehearsal from 5 30 to 7 30 way out in sacramento and class after that. nah, it doesn't matter. Its going to happen. Epic.

The little joys in life:
I have a band...Fusion5. Fusion5 consists of Me-lead singer, Dad-Bass Geetar, Nick-Rhythm Guitar, Samwise (Sam)-lead guitar, and Cameron-DRUMS. This is surely THE weirdest band i've ever seen or heard of. Sam, Nick, and Cameron are in 7th grade. I'm in college. Dad is, a dad of 4 kids and is 50. (no offense dad, i love ya) Jus sayin....pretty weird. I love these guys though. Its way fun jammin with em! Today was a run through for the 16th annual "Spaghetti Dinner" for Olympus Jr. High School. Elaine Wersky holds a dinner for the parents and friends of the students who go to the school. Elaine is the band teacher, and choir teacher. She invites the students to audition for the talent show that accompanies the rest of the night. There is a program so everyone in the audience can enjoy eating, socializing, and hearing the talent of the kids. Cameron, of course, asked her if OUR band could play a few songs. We are in, and playing Fallin for you by Colbie Calliat, Take me Away...made popular by freaky friday with Lindsay Lohan, and Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Greenday. Now for the cute part. Nick, is one of the funniest guys ever. He reminds me SO much of this one guy, who was/is my neighbor, Galen. But he is a totally different story. I could go on and on about that kid. in a good way! He is so awesome. :) But anyway, we all were setting up backstage, and Nick was talking about the girl singing at the moment and our conversation went something like this: "Hey you guys, do you think i'm as good as THIS girl?" nick: "I don't like her voice, I much prefer yours!!!" "AWWwww thanks Nick!" " Well, sometimes the truth hurts." This one sentence made me crack up because i don't think he realized what this actually meant. And he said it so solemnly and sincerely. HaHa Sometimes the truth hurts? It doesn't even make sense!!! What a CUTIE!!!! I think i fell in love right then. It made me feel so good =)
Ladies and Gentlemen: Nick Nortan

Goodnight ALL. Lookin forward to another early Thursday.