the best thing to me is going to old spaghetti factory at...9 54 at night and walking in to get my food. its already on the counter waiting for me. they are all pissed at me because i'm keeping them awake and making them stay till the very last moment.
the next best thing. when you get the food, you don't know where to eat it. come on people, don't give me this answer. A: go home. ugh. i'm at home all the time! so no. i'm not going home. i was really trying to think of a place to go that wouldn't require me to go outside where its nippy and make me down my food in seconds while embracing the freezing cold. my brain at this time of night doesn't i just kept driving. my food was getting cold by the way.
3rd best one to eat a fabulous dinner with. YAY. :( its actually very very depressing. you should be worried if you have gone through your entire phone memory and couldn't find one contact that would eat food with you. ps...thats me.
after the third best thing? you come home and start the usual. editing pictures from the event that day. well, it just so happens that the computer i edit on loves to break down on me, and even greater messes up my pictures and doesn't save them. WOO HOO. thanks optiquest Q9 computer. you suck.
1, 2, 3, 4, it when i come home from scarfing down food that i wasn't genuinely hungry for to a family who asks me how the movie was. oh yeah...i think. i told them i was going to a movie, BY MYSELF, ;) see how my life is going? my brain must have too concentrated on the food i had in the passenger seat next to me. it forgot to take me to the movie. the wonders of amber's brain. lol
6th fabulous thing. i Get to, not Have to, Get to watch King Kong with the male parental tonight. yipee. sounds invigorating.
P.S. i go to get gas in my car before i hurried over to osf (old. got it. i'll shut up) and whos car do i park next to but the ole DAD. sErIoUsLy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
"hi dad."
"well hi!"
"wow this is awkward"
"see you at home"
Great night wouldn't you say?
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