Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Today i had the chance to go out with the sister missionaries. I, first of all, LOVE the sister missionaries!! I also....didn't get the Wear RED shirts today memo! We taught Manwell, who is getting baptized on Saturday. I am so excited for him!! He quit smoking and even though i had never met him before this, I could tell a difference in his attitude. Its simply amazing what the church does. I absolutely love being a part of this church and helping give other people the opportunity to take part in what amazing blessings are in store for them. Anyway, Manwell said the closing prayer and was so cute! He mentioned just randomly.."Im sorry for my.....grouchiness." But he said it in such a calm, serious voice. We chuckled during the prayer, and he ended by saying amen and then we all busted up laughing!!! He adds "Even though the church is a really serious subject, we can still have fun! Right?" Yes, Manwell...we can still have fun.

7:00 pm rolls around. Its time. for. the. DaNcE fEsTiVaL kIcKoFf!!! Shawn Borup, a dear friend of mine and my family, thought of this idea for all the youth in her stake. It is such a great storyline and will be very touching for many people--including me. She has different dances, such as latin, tumbling, ballet, swing dancing, hip hop... I am so excited to watch it! She was talking to me a few months ago about the dance festival, and the all boys song came up. "I was thinking about this song and every time the chorus came, i couldn't stop imagining all the boys signing while they sing!" She then asked me if I would come up to El dorado Hills to teach all the youth the sign language! Chyyaaa I'll be honest. I was REALLY excited, just to be able to share my talent with the youth. I did, however, get a few looks from the boys who were trying to be cool and impress me. One boy in particular, sat right in the front and gave me a head nod. haha oh boys...I returned his nod by saying "I'm 20." Well, lets just say that didn't work out. Darn it! 

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that you were a part of teacher Manwell. He will always rememeber that. Isn't that amazing?!
